Sunday, June 22, 2008

Autonomous Stage of Skill Acquisiton

The third stage of skill acquisition is the autonomous stage, wich is characterised by the ability to automatically execute the skill. Execution of the movement is now properly sequenced and performed instinctively. the performer has consolidated the many discrete skills (commonly called subroutines) that comprise the action. Their movement has a characteristic fluency as the sub-routines sequence and blen in esthetically pleasing motions. This is refered to as 'temporal patterning'. The movement looks good beacsue it is efficient, with the muscle groups working in order and producing only the necessary movements at the required time.
the most important feature of performers in the autonomous stage is that they are able to attend to other cues while giving little thought to how to perform the skill. Practice is still important during the autonomous stage, but mostly involves simulating the competition situation. Unless specifically practised to improve technique, training sessions for an athlete at this stage should incorporate pressure drills. This helps the athlete adapt their skills to the real performance.

(Above extract taken from: Third Edition, Outcomes 2 HSC Course, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education)

A great example of an athlete completely in the autonomous stage of skill acquisition is Daniel Carter. Note the execution of passess and kicks in relation to opposition positions:

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